Inventing Tomorrow

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INVENTING TOMORROW introduces you to six inspiring teenagers from around the globe who are creating cutting-edge solutions to confront some of the world’s most pressing environmental threats. The film follows the lives of innovative teenagers from Hawaii, Indonesia, India and Mexico as they prepare to compete in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). Considered the Olympics of high school science fairs, ISEF is the largest gathering of high school student-scientists in the world, attracting approximately 1,800 finalists from more than 75 countries, regions and territories.
The heart of the film is not the competition itself, but the journey these students take as they sample water from contaminated lakes, dig up dirt in public parks, board illegal pirate mining ships, and test their experiments in labs, showing an inspiring determination to build a better future. INVENTING TOMORROW gives the audience a global perspective of the planetary crisis, through the eyes of the generation that is being called upon to avert it. As each finalist prepares to leave home, some for the very first time, we spend time with them in classrooms and at work, even behind the wheel as they learn to drive, and learn more about the obstacles they face just to get to the fair.
INVENTING TOMORROW is a Fishbowl Films Production in association with Motto Pictures, 19340 Productions, Shark Island Institute, and HHMI Tangled Bank Studios.
A Fishbowl Films Production in Association with Motto Pictures, 19340 Productions, Shark Island Institute and HHMI Tangled Bank Studios